Hinduja Hospital

Free IVF Patient Education Seminar 2019

Date: Saturday, 10th August 2019
Time: 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Venue: Conference Hall, PD Hinduja Hospital
Reg Close Date: 6th August 2019

Learn from our renowned consultants, the possible reasons for difficulty in conceiving and the medical options to help you to have a child

Venue: Conference Hall, OPD Building, P. D. Hinduja Hospital, Mahim

Program Topics:
Dr Indira Hinduja - Male and Female Infertility
Dietician : Nutrition and Infertility
Counselor: Stress and Infertility
Free Consultation Coupons for first 50 registrations!!
BMI will be checked for all the patients upon registration

Dr. Indira Hinduja

Ms. Bhavisha Kharnare, Ms. Raisa Soares Kadam

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