Hinduja Hospital
CATEGORY: Urology, Infectious Diseases, Surgical Oncology.

Physical CPD on Urology for GPs

10th Jul 2023 - 10th Jul 2023

P. D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC


MMC Accredited

Physical CPD on Urology for GPs

Date: Monday, 10th July 2023

Time: 1.15 pm to 4.30 pm

VenueConference Hall, 4th Floor, OPD Clinic, P. D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC, Mahim, Mumbai


One MMC Credit Point granted.


Program :

Lunch: 1.15 pm onwards

Dr. Anjali Shetty, Consultant - Infectious Diseases - Candida UTI

Dr. Chirag Punatar, Consultant- Urology - Recurrent UTI in women - a problematic problem

Dr. Ganesh Bakshi, Consultant Uro Oncology  - Evaluation of hematuria and management of non muscle invasive bladder cancer

Registration is free but mandatory.

Dr. Anjali Shetty

Dr. Chirag Punatar

 Dr. Ganesh Bakshi

Conference Hall, 4th Floor, P. D. Hinduja Hosptial, Mahim W

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