Dr. Shanaz Khodaiji
Consultant Hematology & Transfusion Medicine; President Indian Society of Haematology & Blood Transfusion
DCP, MD Path.
Dr. Vidisha Mahajan
Consultant - Hematology
The Hematology lab offers an exhaustive menu of investigations. An overview is given below.
Routine blood counts (CBC): CBC is done by top of the line hematology analyzers such DxH 900 from Beckman Coulter and Sysmex XN-2000 which give multiple parameters for each blood cell in every sample. The analyzers generate interpretative data, along with flags or signals for abnormalities of red cells, white cells and platelets. All such 'flagged' samples are reviewed by the hematologist and a descriptive report with advice is issued to the patient. Advanced Clinical Parameters are now available on these analyzers such as Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF), automated Reticulocyte count and Immature Retic Fractions for diagnosing aetiology and management of thrombocytopenia and anemia. In addition several research parameters on both analyzers are able to predict early onset of sepsis in sick patients in the ICU. These parameters are being validated by us for future clinical use.
Coagulation assays: A large variety of tests for characterizing complex bleeding and thrombotic disorders are available. These include coagulation factor assays, tests for thrombophilia and platelet function tests. Reliable monitoring of oral anticoagulation is made possible with the help of high quality reagents.
Two novel coagulation tests offered are the HIT Antibody Test and Anti-FXa assay. HIT is a Particle Gel Immuno Assay which detects antibodies against the Heparin and Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) complex.
Anti-FXa assay is used for monitoring Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) therapy. We are one of the few labs in the country to perform these 2 tests.
HPLC: Tests for qualitative and quantitative disorders of Hemoglobin are carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Bone Marrow (aspiration and biopsy) examination is carried out for benign and malignant hematological disorders.
Flow Cytometry: The lab has a FacsLyric Flow Cytometer (BD Biosciences) which is capable of performing a 10- colour assay. This is a powerful tool for diagnosis, monitoring (Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) detection), staging & prognosis of a large number of hematological malignancies (acute leukemia and lymphoma). It also aids in diagnosis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH), Ankylosing Spondylosis (HLA-B27) and immunological disorders (inherited and acquired immune deficiency disorders such as HIV). In addition Stem Cell enumeration in Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant patients is done before and after the procedure.
Molecular test for diagnosing thrombotic disorders and some myeloproliferative diseases are also available to facilitate diagnosis of these less commonly occurring conditions.
PDHH,BD, CoE: We are the first Centre of Excellence in clinical flow cytometry established by BD Biosciences in India. Under the aegis of this partnership we conduct 2 training workshops and 2 seminars in Advances in clinical flow cytometry every year.
PDCC Hematopathology: We are approved as a centre to conduct the post-Doctoral Certificate Course (PDCC) in Hematopathology offered by the Indian College of Pathologists. Two post M.D Path. candidates are selected each year for this course and an exam held at the end of the year. Successful candidates are awarded a certificate at the Annual conference of IAPM. Dr Shanaz Khodaiji is the registered guide for this course. Dr. Vidisha Mahajan conducts academic training. We are one of 2 such centres in the country.
- MoU with Marrow Donor Registry of India (MDRI) for donor screening, stem cell harvest and CD34 counts. This operates internationally
- MoU with DATRI, a based Marrow Donor Registry for donor screening, stem cell harvest and CD34 counts. This operates within India
New tests: Anti-Factor Xa assay, MRD in leukemia, Stem cell enumeration, Flow cytometry in Multiple Myeloma.