Dr. Satyakam Krishna Sawaimoon

Consultant Histopathologist


Dr. Anita S. Bhaduri

Head of Department of Lab Medicine, Consultant - Histopathology

MD, FIC Path

Dr. Chitra Madiwale

Consultant Histopathologist


Histopathology & Cytopathology


The Histopathology section offers services for processing and interpretation of surgical specimens. In addition, 'frozen section' service is provided for urgent intraoperative diagnosis to aid management. Specialised study of kidney biopsies in chronic renal disorders & renal transplants by Immunofluorescence and Special Stains is done due to the availability of the fluorescence techniques and IHCs.

For more objective diagnosis of tumours, the Immunoperoxidase study utilising Monoclonal Antibodies and Immunohistochemical technique is available which makes diagnosis of undifferentiated and poorly differentiated tumours easier in more than 50% cases. This is also useful for hormone receptor analysis of tumors and companion diagnostics .

All surgical specimens are processed by standard technique and reported with grading and staging of tumours according to Internationally used classifications. Radiologically guided core biopsies form a large part of these. Specimens include biopsies, excisions and resections from head & neck area, CNS, GU tract, GI tract, Breast, Gyn tract, Bone and soft tissue ,Lung , lymphnodes and skin


The cytopathology laboratory handles both gynaecological and non-gynaecological specimens sent for cytology. About half are gynaecological 'PAP smears' for early detection of cervix cancer. The section has a Cytospin for preparing concentrated smears of body fluids with low cell count or of small volume specimens like CSF, Urine etc.

Fine needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is also carried out for all palpable swellings in the body as the first line of investigative workup before a surgical biopsy. Pneumocystis carinii detection in respiratory secretions is carried out by the immunofluorescent technique.

There are senior Consultants available with expertise in different areas of interest for Consultants Tumor boards and Multidisciplinary team meetings  and Involvement in/and performing CAP & NABL/NABL audits are part of the department . The section runs a PDCC course in Oncopathology of the Indian College of Pathologists.