Dr. Anjali Shetty

Consultant Microbiologist


Dr. Camilla Rodrigues

Consultant Microbiologist, Chairperson Infection Control Committee


Dr. Shaoli Basu

Junior Consultant - Microbiology

Microbiology & Serology


The Microbiology department is a state of the art laboratory equipped with modern facilities like MALDI ToF MS, BACTEC, MGIT, VITEK 2. We offer processing and interpretation of cultures from clinical specimens. Rapid and accurate identification by MALDI ToF MS along with early identification of resistant genes in multidrug resistant bugs enables clinicians to decide the appropriate treatment promptly.

India accounts for more than 25% of the global tuberculosis burden. Our Microbiology section offers rapid identification of MTB with resistance markers with help of Xpert Ultra, Xpert XDR, Line probe assay and Pyrosequencing. MGIT Cultures from various samples along with a wide range of susceptibility testing including newer drugs is available. Atypical mycobacteria and Nocardia are cultured and identified by MALDI ToF MS. Drug susceptibility testing by broth microdilution for the same is also available. We have also partnered with the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP).

We are an ICMR approved Regional Mycology Reference laboratory providing early diagnosis of fungi with Calcoflour staining. Culture of various yeasts and moulds with identification on MALDI ToF MS and susceptibility on Vitek 2 and Sensititre for most yeasts and few moulds is also available.


The Serology section offers wide range of tests including specialised tests like beta-D glucan and galactomannan for fungal diagnosis.

The Molecular Biology section offers diagnosis by qualitative/ quantitative PCR for various pathogens including COVID, Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP), CMV, BKV, HIV, HBV, HCV, TB along with syndromic panel for pyrexia of unknown origin.

Microbiology section has senior consultants with great expertise in their field. We are partners for various national and international projects with ICMR, CDC, NIH, Johns Hopkins, Oxford, Imperial College, UK etc. including ones on next generation sequencing on Illumina platform.